“New Year, New Me” Wellness Initiative: Week 3


Week three of my New Year, New Me wellness initiative done and dusted! I’m on fire. 

Having finished surfing the crimson wave, as Cher would say, I’m back on my New Year New Me wagon and hitting it hard.

This week I focused on movement, in accordance with Sakara’s Total Body Reset goals and also because I just wanted to MOVE! 

I upped my strength training (mostly kettlebell workouts) and cycle classes, as well as threw in some more Sky Ting yoga (courtesy of the Total Body Reset program ~ Sakara really does think of everything!)

Food-wise this week’s Sakara Meals were life as usual, and as I’m only doing the breakfast + dinner 3-Day weekly reset, I’ve supplemented the meals not provided by Sakara with plenty of greens and protein. 

I’ve been switching between Sakara’s Organic Protein + Greens Super Powder and a few of my Orgain tubs, depending on when I have a shake, and I always add Sakara’s Metabolism Super Powder to whatever shake I happen to make. The benefits of that powder could fill a book, I swear! 

In addition to my nutrition and workouts, I’ve been trying to focus on carving time out for myself just to relax; surprisingly it has been difficult! I always think that I should either be working or researching or doing something “useful”, and it is incredibly hard for me to switch off and just take me time, I’ve found. 


It’s funny when you think you have been one way all your life but then discover that you are actually an OCD overworking train wreck. Oops. 

SO. More focus on self-care, using lymphatic drainage tools, pampering myself with face/hair masks, and gua sha-ing the heck out of my face abound! Even if I can only do it for a short while, that’s better than nothing. 


Weekly Exercise Gear + Programs

Weekly Workout Outfits

Weekly Supplements and Goodies

Weekly Food + Drink + Kitchen 

Weekly Beauty + Self Care

Try Cherry Cola from OLIPOP!