22 Days of Xmas | Day 19 | Sakara Holiday Trio


I’m sure you all remember me gushing about Sakara Life’s delicious organic, plant-based, gluten-free meals and “Clean Boutique” a little while back.

Well if you do, then you shouldn’t be surprised to find that they are my pick for Une Atomic Blonde’s 19th day of Xmas.

Sakara Life’s holiday spirit is in full swing, as evidenced by the Holiday Collection and the Granola Collection I treated myself to this week.


The Holiday Popcorn Trio has had me munching happily for longer than I care to admit. It features three types of delicious popcorn to choose from ranging from “Sweet,” to “Salty,” and lastly “Cheesy” which also has a sweetness to it.


(You can buy this separately if you don’t wish to get the whole Holiday Collection.)


As for the rest of the Holiday Collection, my little Xmas present to me, I was delighted with the holiday version of their granola: Coconut Praline, as well as the delicious smelling Manifestation Candle that now graces my witchy altar.

The Holiday Shop also features bundles of tried and true Sakara favorites, so be sure to check it out before it’s gone!


And as always, do not pass up their fabulous meal plans for anything. I’m still longing for another already, and it hasn’t even been two weeks since I finished mine.

Use my code ATOMICBLONDESAKARA for 20% off first-time orders site-wide at Sakara Life; I receive a small commission which keeps the site going if you do. :) 

Happy Holidays! I’m off to go nom more popcorn. 
