22 Days of Xmas | Day 18 | Free Holiday Template | Instagram Story


Happy Holidays and 18th Day of Une Atomic Blonde's 22 Days of Xmas! 

Here's a little gift for you all - I make templates in Canva for the blog and for my social media all the time, and I wanted to share some fun designs for everyone to use these upcoming holidays! 

So, the 18th and 19th days of "Une Atomic Blonde's 22 Days of Xmas" will be for some fun Instagram story templates you can save and share at your leisure.


I'd also love it if you tagged me when you do share! 

My Instagram: @one_atomic_blonde

Twitter: @1statomicblonde

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/one_atomic_blonde

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oneatomicblonde

Snapchat: @miss_kittyyy

TikTok: @oneatomicblonde

I also make custom templates for clients so drop me a line at founder@oneatomicblonde.com if you ever need any pretty designs or templates created! 

If you’d like a high-rez version of this Insta Story emailed to you, fill out the form below!

LifestyleHannah Prakash