Une Atomic Blonde turns 1 today!


Une Atomic Blonde just turned one year old today and I’m shook. Has it already been a year?! How?!

Coming from a few posts here and there to updating constantly, posting thoughts, programs, and products I love and support, I am really happy with how the blog is coming along so far.

Currently I am working on having my team update and overhaul the site in its entirety, which will include some of the following features:

  • A totally new look and logo for the site!

  • An actual e-commerce page for you to be able to easily shop the looks, products, and services I love and promote

  • More videos on the site direct from my TikTok and IG Reels incorporating more fashion and beauty looks

  • A dedicated monthly newsletter featuring coupons and deals from my favorite partners 

  • And much more!

Thank you so much for following along with me thus far, and I hope to inspire you to live an Atomic life via this next chapter as well.
