Vitamix | Refreshing Detox Water Recipe ft. Sakara Life


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Is it the end of the week already!? Time flies. But behold, another Vitamix Sunday is upon us!

I decided to use the fantastic shaker cup attachment that can be paired with my smart A3500 Ascent Series Vitamix Blender for this week’s recipe and just blend up a simple refreshing water for some much needed hydration. 


I utilized the Beauty + Detox Water Drops from my beloved Sakara Life, which I throw into just about every water I drink these days to get the extra benefits they provide! 


Here's the recipe for your convenience: 

Refreshing Detox Water

Using my Vitamix A3500 Ascent Series Blender shaker cup attachment to blend up a quick, refreshing cup of hydrating detox water! Featuring Beauty and Detox Water Drops from Sakara Life.



  • 2 leaves Fresh Mint

  • 2 droppers Sakara Beauty Water Drops

  • 2 droppers Sakara Detox Water Drops

  • 2 cups Filtered Cold Water


Takes no time at all!

Just add all ingredients into the shaker cup and blend in your Vitamix or blender of choice until mint is completely assimilated.

Chug and be hydrated! :)

Drop me a line on social media and let me know what you're currently blending; something hydrating? Smoothies? Salad dressing? I'm curious!! 

As always, You can purchase a Vitamix via my links below and above, and thanks for reading! 


Vitamix A3500 Ascent Series Blender

Sakara Life Beauty + Water Drops

Use code ATOMICBLONDESAKARA for 20% off your first order site-wide at Sakara Life!

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