“New Year, New Me” Wellness Initiative


Hello there and welcome to Une Atomic Blonde’s “New Year, New Me” wellness initiative! 

2020 has been a hell of a year, eh? I know many of us are glad to see the back of it, myself included.

So this is me looking forward and doing my best to start 2021 with positive action. 

The “New Year, New Me” initiative will consist of weekly reports and features on the following: 

  • My workouts

  • Which fitness equipment/gear I use

  • My diet 

  • Which supplements I have been taking

  • The self-care practices I indulge in

  • Occasional features of brands aiding me in my wellness journey

  • Any significant and fun fashion/makeup choices

  • Any home improvement/DIY projects I manage to complete

  • Any self-improvement projects I indulge in

  • The book I am reading that week

  • Motivational graphics and freebies for you should you wish to participate!

My initial goals are:

  • Drink more water

  • Drop 10lbs of fat

  • Gain 5lbs of muscle

  • Sleep 7 hours a night

  • Eat more fresh veggies

  • Eliminate more refined carbs

  • Exercise 5-6 times a week

I plan to continue this initiative from today: Monday, 12/28/2020, through Sunday, 2/28/2021. 

Vik, my husband’s son, will also be joining alongside me with his own routines, so I’ll be including some of his thoughts and wins as well. 

Here we go; wish me luck! :)

Lifestyle, WellnessHannah Prakash