Product Review | Gaia Herbs Immune Shine


Things are cooling down everywhere, and that means it is time to really coddle your immune system, especially with things the way they are right now with viruses (COVID in particular) on the rise.

For that reason I have been taking Gaia HerbsImmune Shine in the morning. This yummy tasting powder blend combines all the benefits of Maitake and Chaga mushrooms that support immune health with herbs traditionally used to maintain overall well-being, such as:

  • Ginger

  • Black Elderberry

  • Astragalus


There is a great deal of research interest in Astragalus. It contains Astragalosides (antioxidants), which support the integrity of the respiratory tract. In addition, the polysaccharides found in Astragalus are known for their immune supporting properties. Astragalus herb also supports deep immune function by promoting normal levels of specific immune cells and aids in their function. Astragalus appears especially effective when immune function is stressed by environmental or endogenous challenges.”

Adding Immune Shine to your daily routine is an easy way to support your body’s natural defenses; just a teaspoon will do you.

I found it also gave me a nice steady burst of energy when I put it in my smoothie.

Gaia Herbs recommends the following:

  • This powder can be added to a smoothie, dairy or non-dairy milk, or any other beverage of choice so you can get all of the health benefits of organic mushrooms plus herbs with no added fillers, flavors, or sweeteners.

  • Immune Shine is also: USDA Organic, Purity-Tested, Vegan, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Soy-Free

Happily, Immune Shine is currently also on sale for 20% off ($31.99 instead of $39.99!), and Gaia Herbs is donating 10% of proceeds on account of #GivingTuesday from 12/1-12/6!

Go check them out now on Gaia Herbs’ site and get your immune shine on; prevention is always better than a cure. :)
Lifestyle, HealthHannah Prakash