Gaia Herbs | Microbiome Cleanse | Final Thoughts



Happy Sunday! I’m checking back in with my final update on the Microbiome Cleanse system I’ve been doing from Gaia Herbs.

I posted a little review last week about the Microbiome Food and how much I enjoy it, and we’ve come to the end - for now!

The Microbiome Cleanse — which according to Gaia Herbs: “combines herbs traditionally used to balance the GI tract and support digestive health”, used in combination with the Microbiome Food, which acted as a moisturizer to the GI, (Microbiome Food was meant to be a prebiotic to feed the ‘good’ bacteria that have been brought into balance by the Microbiome Cleanse, while also being soothing and demulcent, and essentially moisturizing the GI tract) is as effective as any cleanse I’ve ever tried in my time.

Also, when used with the added bonus of Gaia Herbs’ GI Feel Good, which is an anxiolytic formula specific for those who experience stress in their bellies (like butterflies in the stomach), and can be taken as needed along with either or both Microbiome products in case your GI tract decides to act up, I found that it is not a violent or uncomfortable cleanse, as some are wont to be.

The cleanse order I adopted was as follows:

  • Microbiome Cleanse was taken for 4-6 weeks. It was meant to bring balance to the ratio of microbes in the GI tract, while also supporting the integrity of the GI lining. It acted like a cleanser/toner.

  • Followed up with the Microbiome Food, which acted as a moisturizer to the GI. Some people who may have a chronic need, or just those who want to supplement with a soluble fiber, can take Microbiome Food long term. Otherwise, 1 jar of Microbiome Food (following 4-6 weeks of Microbiome Cleanse) was sufficient as part of a regimen.

  • GI Feel Good was taken as needed along with both Microbiome products.

This was a cleanse that I feel someone could do again and again, provided they spaced it out a bit. Maybe take a few months off in between cleansing, as it were. It doesn’t do any good to cleanse if your entire life is a cleanse! Then what’s the point? Your gut flora is confused and your body will just become either super irritated or worse—immune.

All things considered, I’m very happy and impressed with my time using this cleanse system and would recommend it for anyone who wants to try a gentle, daily cleanse along with their regular routine.

PS: I know I mentioned this in previous posts, but Gaia Herbs is such a cool company. Go check them out not only for their Microbiome Cleanse, but also for their myriad of products that run the gamut from helping to boost immune function, to soothing sore throats, vitamin supplements, and more.

They also came up with the world’s first herb traceability tool to discover the origin of your herbs and see validation of your product’s quality! You can see the test results from the latest batch of whatever product you choose on their site.

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Fitness, HealthHannah Prakash